Mark Schermeister
Mark Schermeister is a fine artist who has spent a large part of his life in the north woods of Wisconsin for the past 64 years. Originally from Minneapolis, he now divides his time between Miami and Land O’ Lakes. He’s an enthusiastic Photographic Artist who describes himself as “having 56 years’ experience and still (always!) a student.”
He began as a photographer and lab technician, then followed a career as an air traffic controller, retiring from federal service a few years ago. Through it all, he carried his camera, capturing and expressing what he calls “the miracle and mystery of the life we’re blessed with.”
With a personal intention to create and exhibit visual art that conveys the unseen qualities of the world around us, he endeavors to “To photograph the invisible.”
Mark has been photographing dance for 12 years and is Owner and Proprietor of Studio1761; a photographic arts venture with the purpose of “Communicating the visible and invisible spirit of both the dancer and the dance.”

PDD Studio Portraits Finalist

Pas de Deux On Location Portraits